1) Special Education:
Jazmine is experienced in assisting families in all matter's related to students' special education needs, including records reviews, representation at IEP team meetings, special education eligibility issues, compliance complaints, mediation, and due process hearings, including appeals of adverse due process decisions.
2) 504 Plans:
Jazmine is available to represent children in matters related to discrimination under § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state law.
3) Student Discipline:
Jazmine represents children and their families in school disciplinary issues, including suspensions and expulsions of both special education and general education students.
4) Conservatorships:
Jazmine represents families of children with developmental disabilities in limited conservatorship proceedings at probate court. Such proceedings involve appointing a limited conservator to care for another adult with disabilities who cannot care for his or herself or finances.